Steve Reardon’s Tips for Faster Racing


Ed. Note: The following tip was submitted by Steve Reardon, head coach of CLASS Aquatics, based out of Southern California. Steve has more than 20 years of coaching experience, including helping develop Olympian Kristine Quance during his tenure at Valley Aquatics Club in the 1990’s.

My three basic rules to racing:

1) Hold good technique throughout the race. Efficiency will benefit you throughout the race, especially when you are tired.

2) Always accelerate into the wall, whether it is a turn or the finish.

3) Never back down during a race. Trying to re-accelerate mid-race is more difficult and taxing than just building throughout the race. Finish with tempo.

Do you have a coaching or swimming tip you’d like to share with the swimming community? Send it in here: [email protected]


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Olivier Poirier-Leroy Olivier Poirier-Leroy is the founder of He is an author, former national level swimmer, two-time Olympic Trials qualifier, and swim coach.

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