
Welcome to the downloads section for YourSwimBook.

Below are PDF copies of the exercises and worksheets found in YourSwimBook.

Training Goals Worksheet (PDF). Create training goals for your swimming, lifestyle, mindset, and conditioning.

My Recovery Routine (PDF). Build a daily and weekly to-do list for your recovery routines.

My Process (PDF). Create a simple and powerful process to help you stay focused on the right things at the pool.

My Power-Ups List (PDF). Your inventory of drills, meals, trips, etc., that help to propel your best performances in the water.

Hall of Fame (PDF). Your personalized blueprint for exceptional self-confidence. Collect your moments of excellence and reference them when you need a bump in self-confidence.

Journaling the Journey (PDF). This future journaling exercise is all about giving your goals in the water texture and realism.

Competition Goal Sheets (PDF). Need another goal setting sheet for an upcoming swim meet? Here ya go!

Also, here is a legend for what you will see on each page of YourSwimBook.

YourSwimBook Log Page Breakdown