15 Things All Swimmers Know

1. When coach says that we can wear fins and paddles for the main set…

hulk smash

2. When someone in your lane keeps touching your toes but refuses to pass you…

when someone keeps touching your toes but won't pass you

3. When coach says that it’s “starts and turns” day at practice…

starts and turns day

4. The difference between a great dive and a bad dive are just a few degrees…

how to not dive

5. There is nothing quite like getting a lane all to yourself…

own lane

6. That it will take a natural disaster for coach to cancel practice…

coach won't cancel practice

7. That the most decorated athlete in the history of the Olympic Games is a skinny swimmer from Baltimore…

michael phelps swimming

8. While we may have different backgrounds, goals, and events, our fears in the pool are universally the same…

swimming fail

9. We are unafraid to show a little skin…

ryan lochte

10. Even though we have trained in the vicinity of the synchro team on occasion over the years we still don’t completely understand what is going on over there with all the spoon banging and costumes…


11. Even our ideas of romance and love involve the water…

swimmer romance

12. We like to think that our swimming is usually done as beautifully and gracefully as this…

swimming gracefully

13. The satisfaction that comes from nailing your swimming taper just right…

taper time

14. Crushing that best time…

best time

15. And the best feeling of all, swimming faster than you ever thought imaginable:

phelps saiyan


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Olivier Poirier-Leroy Olivier Poirier-Leroy is the founder of YourSwimLog.com. He is an author, former national level swimmer, two-time Olympic Trials qualifier, and swim coach.

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